In 1942, Thessaloniki is the second largest city in Greece, with a multicultural port and a flourishing Greek- Jewish population of 50,000 people.
The film bears on the love affair of two young people, Giorgo and Estrea, a member of the Greek-Jewish community, and the most productive years of the popular musician Vasilis Tsitsanis
Estrea and Giorgo will unfold for the first time the chronicle that led 97% of one of the most important Jewish communities of Europe to the death camps of Poland.
In these horrific years for Greece and the world (1942-1943) Tsitsani and Giorgos open up a small music club in the center of Thessaloniki.
Tsitsanis uses his music as a means of resistance, exorcizing the hatred and the inhumanity of the German occupation. The hunger and gloom hanging over the city vanishes behind the doors of the ouzeri.
Giorgos takes part in the underground resistance and Estrea is his partner. They are in love. Secrets burden their lives; loyalties conflict, both social-religious groups insist on their prejudices even when the impending terror knocks on their door.
Our story begins in June 1942, when the Nazi regime forces the Jews to be recorded and sent to hard labor camps, and ends in March 1943, as the first trains leave for Auschwitz. The escalation and enforcement of the racist laws engage our main heroes in daring feats.
An adventurous love story that narrates a non-tiring moral statement: the insanity of racism, bigotry, and the futility of war. Our story could be a story of today, because not only is it concerned with social/religious intolerance but also because our heroes are non-conventional young people. They are four young people of today, 20 to 26 years old that give hope to the next generation.
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